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Sensational Summer sessions with Swansea Grant

August is flying by and our grant funded summer sessions have finished, which I am more than a little gutted about!

We received a grant from the government to run free sessions as part of the nationwide "Levelling Up" project. The aims of which are to improve social inclusion, accessibility and wellbeing. We supported this by providing eight Drama and confidence building classes for children aged between three and ten years. We have had a fantastic time and the grant has also allowed us to work with more children, offer more sessions and purchase new resources.

This summer we have met a Gruffalo, acted with puppets, retold fairy stories from the villians points of view, told ghost stories, become ants and bees in the garden, flown in a hot air balloon, solved the mysterious case of the flying frogs and so much more!

It really has been so much fun meeting and working with lots of new families and, of course, those families that regularly come to our sessions. We have never had so many people try Drama for the very first time. It is so rewarding seeing children that are a little shy and reserved at the start of a session, end the same workshop with performance in front of others with a smile on their face and their new friends cheering them on.

I have been overwhelmed by the feedback I have received from both parents and children this summer. 100% of those that provided feedback rated the workshop attended, the service provided and the facilitator's skill as "Excellent". It's always great to know that families are benefitting from the classes I run and that, most importantly, they are enjoyed!

Below are a few photos and some of the lovely feedback received.

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